Chiusura straordinaria: Immagine

Temporarily closed






Menù di Pasqua DELIVERY: Immagine

Easter lunch DELIVERY

Here is our proposal for Easter lunch! Delivery is free and takes place within 15KM from Mandello del Lario. As always, with each order in the p...

We must stop.

We must stop. For the sake of our customers, our collaborators, our families.

In this delicate and difficult moment for Italy and for everyone, we can only take a step back and we are convinced that it's the right thing to do.

We close with the hope of contributing in our small way to stem the health emergency that has overwhelmed all of us, we close with the hope of returning soon to our daily lives.

Mamma Ciccia closes today until a later date.

However, we offer home delivery service, ensuring maximum compliance with health rules.

Temporarily closed: Immagine 1

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